Partner With Us

Catch the Vision. BBecome an ACB Dominion Partnerecome a Dominion Partner today.

(Download our Dominion Partner Brochure.)

Join us as we empower Baltimore to take dominion! And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. — Genesis 1:26 KJV

The Vision

Here at Action Chapel Baltimore: Dominion Center (ACB:DC), God has given us a vision to build a center of empowerment and development, a place where men, women, boys, and girls will be trained in practical areas in order to dominate in life.

  • Our Dominion Center Vision: Every person dominates in life and operates at their maximum potential.
  • Our mission: Train individuals for success in life, empower the community through service.

Our Efforts to Date

Since our inception in 2009, we have been moving towards this vision by: 1) Joining with Hope Village to conduct summer camp 2) Donating clothes and food to the community – 3) Providing free resume writing, job interviewing, entrepreneurship, parenting, and addiction counseling seminars 4) distributing food to the community and homeless shelters 5) backpack giveawys 5) job fairs and working towards establishing the Dominion Development Center (DDC) as a separate entity for charitable purposes.

ACB:DC, Taking Dominion in the Natural and the Supernatural

How the Vision will be Accomplished?

Our goal is to accomplish this vision by: Fully operationalizing the Dominion Development Center (DDC) as a referral and empowerment center, offering a range of services including: 1) A community food bank (in partnership with the Maryland Food Bank, which is just 1 exit away from our church) 2) Regular resume and interviewing workshops 3) Free clothing for job interviews 4) After school and tutoring services for the community 5) A community daycare 6) A scholarship fund for college-bound high school seniors 7) Building a state of the art facility that will feature educational classrooms, and a Dominion Auditorium for development seminars and training 8) Fully operationalizing the Dominion Bible College to spiritually equip the body of Christ.

We need your help!
To accomplish this vision we need your help. Lives have already been transformed by our efforts to date, but we need your financial support in order to see the vision come to pass fully. Complete and mail the Dominion Partner Card to us at 6 Azar Court, Arbutus, MD 21227 or, visit our GoFundMe campaign and start your partnership today. One person and one small seed can make a difference.